How to Subset a Giotto Object?

There are several ways to subset a Giotto object or visualize a subset of the data. Below are some subsetting examples.


Figures may not be identical, because examples might have been updated, but the subsetting principles remain the same.

1. The Visium 10X Whole Brain

spatDimPlot(visium_brain, cell_color = 'leiden_clus',
plot_alignment = 'horizontal', spat_point_size = 2)
Visium 10X Whole Brain Image

2. Show Only A Subset of Clusters

    cell_color = 'leiden_clus',  select_cell_groups = '4',
    plot_alignment = 'horizontal', spat_point_size = 2)
Show only a subset of clusters

3. Show Only A Subset of Clusters (excluding not selected cells)

    cell_color = 'leiden_clus',  select_cell_groups = '4', show_other_cells = F,
    plot_alignment = 'horizontal', spat_point_size = 2)
Excluding not selected cells

4. Create Spatial Plots

These spatial plots have been grouped by the Leiden Clustering results

    group_by = 'leiden_clus', group_by_subset = c(1:8),
    cell_color = 'leiden_clus', cow_n_col = 4,
    point_size = 1, axis_text = 6, axis_title = 6, legend_text = 6)
Leiden group 1
    group_by = 'leiden_clus', group_by_subset = c(9:16),
    cell_color = 'leiden_clus', cow_n_col = 4,
    point_size = 1, axis_text = 6, axis_title = 6, legend_text = 6)
Leiden group 2

5. Create Dimension Plots

These dimension plots have been grouped by the HMRF results.

spatDimPlot(visium_brain, cell_color = 'HMRF_k12_b.1',
      plot_alignment = 'horizontal', spat_point_size = 2)
HMRF Whole Brain
    group_by = 'HMRF_k12_b.1', group_by_subset = c(1:6),
        cell_color = 'leiden_clus', cow_n_col = 3,
    point_size = 1, axis_text = 6, axis_title = 6, legend_text = 6)
HMRF Whole Brain by group 1
    group_by = 'HMRF_k12_b.1', group_by_subset = c(7:14),
        cell_color = 'leiden_clus', cow_n_col = 3,
        point_size = 1, axis_text = 6, axis_title = 6, legend_text = 6)
HMRF Whole Brain by group 2

6. Create A New Giotto Object By Subsetting Selected Clusters

metadata = pDataDT(visium_brain)
subset_cell_IDs = metadata[leiden_clus %in% c(4, 5, 8, 13)]$cell_ID
visium_brain_small = subsetGiotto(visium_brain, cell_ids = subset_cell_IDs)

     cell_color = 'leiden_clus',
     plot_alignment = 'horizontal', spat_point_size = 2.5)
Subsetting selected clusters
     cell_color = 'nr_genes', color_as_factor = F,
     plot_alignment = 'horizontal', spat_point_size = 2.5)
Subset brain nr

7. Create A New Giotto Object By Subsetting Spatial Coordinates/Locations

DG_subset = subsetGiottoLocs(visium_brain,
             x_max = 6500, x_min = 3000,
             y_max = -2500, y_min = -5500)

    cell_color = 'leiden_clus',
    plot_alignment = 'horizontal', spat_point_size = 4,
    save_param = list(save_name = '6_DG_loc_subset', base_height = 4))
Subset based on spatial coordinates/locations